G Suite Sync for Microsoft Outlook (or, GSSMO) allows an organization to let people continue to use Microsoft Outlook on Windows desktops, but connect with data in G Suite instead of Microsoft Exchange. Microsoft Outlook paired with G Suite makes sync possible, but only for Google Apps customers. IT team looking to protect Gmail or Microsoft Exchange emails? Back them up with Backupify. But if you want to sync between the Microsoft and Google ecosystems, your options get limited. Use Microsoft Outlook with Office365 (or Exchange)? Or Google Calendar with Google Apps? Everything works. More accurately, sync works-as long as you stay within an ecosystem.
When it comes to G Suite syncing with Microsoft Outlook, the issues are not quite solved.
While technology can be impressive (cars driving themselves, private spacecraft shuttles supplying the international space station, apps that can pretty much run your life), it’s amazing we still struggle with syncing two email systems.